Monday, 21 March 2011



After our first draft we conducted an audience survey to see what others thought of our thriller. We generally received positive feedback, however one repeated response that we heard was the issue of the music. The fact that there was no non diegetic sound was obvious to the audience I think because there was no pace, music can make a big difference. Although we had planned to insert some music anyhow, at least now we understand the urgency and importance of this.

Sound On our first draft of our thriller we didn't have a soundtrack. Eventually we found a website Which would allow us to download music for free which was not copyrighted.

We eventually found a peice of musicby an artist named Daniel Catorino, the peice was called 'Lia e o Moleiro' of his album 'O Rio e o Moleiro'. We decided to use this as our soundtrack.

The track we found was perfect for our clip as it was quite fast paced, and industrial, similar to soundtracks from such thrillers as 'Se7en'. It also builds up, the slow burning way it did suited the way the plot is revealed at the end of the movie, adding to the suspense.

When inserting the music into our clip during the editing process, we used Adobe Premiere. This allowed us to edit the volume of the peice at different stages. For example, we dipped the sound during the part of the thriller containing speech, so it was easier to hear the voice, at the end of the peice we increased the volume to it's full extent, so add to the build up in tension.

Re Shoot

The only part of the film we had to re shoot was the final shot. We decided to this because we thought the shot was not sturdy enough and had to be steadier. It also was not not obvious enough that the character I played was actually dead.

To improve these elements, we re shot the shot over an over again. Untill we found a shot that was smooth enough to be edited in. We bought some extra props before hand as well, ketchup and red food colouring, so that we could perfect the blood. The food colouring helped make the colour stand out so there was clearly a lot of blood, and we used the ketchup for the texture, making the blood look thick, so it almost look real.

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