There aren't any major dangers that we will come across during filming, however, there are a few risks, which we have thought out carefully, as it is of the the upmost importance to keep the safety of everyone involved, and all of the equipment used.
Risk: The Camera/ Camera Men
During filming, there are many things that could happen to the camera. It could get dropped and broken, before we had finished filming, preventing us from meeting the deadlines, or the Zoran could fall over in one of the riskier shots, such as the alley way shot, injuring himself or the camera.
How can we prevent the risk?
To prevent any of the above from occurring, we will work as a team to make sure that the camera is always on a tripod, this will stop it from falling and breaking, and shots that can't be used with a tripod we will film quickly, with a firm grip on the piece of equipment. As soon as we have finished filming any shot that hasn't been used with the tripod we will either put the camera back in the case or screw securely back onto the tripod, this will stop it being out and exposed to the surrounding dangers longer than necessary.
In any shots that a little riskier, such as having to walk backwards down the alley way, to prevent any risk to the camera man, we will have the third member of our team help them out, in this shot they will be able to walk behind the camera man preventing him from falling over and damaging any equipment.
Risk: The Mug/ The Crew
During filming the mug could easily be dropped and broken if we are not careful. Although we have other identical mugs, so it would not prevent the filming, it would be a waste of money, and could injure any of the crew.
How can we prevent the risk?
To prevent this from happening we will always keep it away from the edge of the work side, to prevent it from falling over, and we will only take it out of the place where the mugs belong during in shot that it is needed in, we will put it straight back after. However if it does fall over, we will not tidy the sharp pieces with our bare hands, we will used gloves of a plastic bag and dispose of i immediately.
Risk: The Kettle/ The Actors
During the filming of the kettle shots, there is a possibility that any of us could burn ourselves on the hot water, this wouldn't be pleasant, and we would have to temporarily stop filming. Also, if it was one of the actor's hands, it could damage the continuity of the footage, if in one shot his hands were fine, and the next they had a burn, this could be mean re shooting any previous footage.
How can I prevent this risk?
To prevent any of these risks, we will only boil the water when it is needed, the shots with the kettle. On the actual shots of the water being poured into the mug, we replace the hot water with cold water, to prevent any burning risks. For the safety of the continuity, we will shoot the kettle shot first, so if one of the actors is injured, it will look like they had a burn before, as it will be throughout the whole clip.
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